As the days click by, Brooke (my beautiful and talented daughter) and I finalize our travel plans.
The Artist and the photographer make their way over the Atlantic Ocean. Our flights are coordinate, lodgings are booked and yes...
"THE SCHMIDT GIRLS" will be running the streets of London and Paris!!
Because we both love trains, we have chosen the Eurostar rail service for our Intra-European travel , we are in no rush and want to see as much of France as possible together. This will also give us a way to travel to some of the vineyards.
One of these areas is Cahors, known for it's excellent fine wines and spectacular views. Check out this link from French Wine a day by Jean-Marc Espinasse
Now don't get the wrong idea, there will be tons of artistic endeavors going on also.
I will be dancing with the muse, looking deep inside for a new art direction.
Brooke, an excellent photographer, will be working on her portfolio.
We will post a glimpse of the progress as we travel together down the creative path.
So the next entry in this travel journal will be from over there,
keep an eye out!!!