*A mythic image to sum up and symbolize the theme of this post is that of the Buddha on the cusp of his Enlightenment. He is sitting still at the point when Mara attacks him with all the weapons he can muster. But, as the story goes, even though the Buddha is attacked, he does not react with anger, hatred, or defensiveness. Instead, he sits in complete peace and openness; the arrows from his opponents drift and float down around him as flower petals.
7 Points For Training The Mind theBuddhistcenter.com
Along with many others, I found 2020-2021 to be years marked with immense personal change.
Welcoming 2022 I find myself an artist living alone, with my box of paints, thoughtfully contemplating what is next. Working through sadness and fear, making my way toward laughter with certainty and joy illuminating my path forward.
I am a work in progress …
My newest body of artwork is also in progress. Layers of storytelling point the way back to my intuitive voice through favorite images combined with older processes that I have come to find such comfort in.
ARROWS 2 ROSES is a visual journal of this time supported by the knowledge of adventures yet to be shared.