My Apartment is in the 18 Arrondissement MONTMARTRE...
Montmartre is a village within Paris, it combines the atmosphere of an ancient village with trendy shops,fabulous restaurants and artists. High above Paris in Montmartre is the Basilica Sacré-Coeur the beautiful white church whose moorish style architecture is world famous. I am taken with the curves and arches ,shadows and light and the magnificent view out over all of Paris.
As I roamed around the "Place du Tertre" where the artists have set up their easels and sold their art for a hundred years, I ran into an artist whose work I purchased in 2007 "MAZOY" and met his artist friend Aram who creates delicate pen and ink renderings with watercolor washes of Montmartre as the small village it use to be before the tourists began to crammed in.
After an afternoon with the artists and all those creative juices flowing, I went on a quest to find an art supply store to purchased watercolors and paper to sketch few memories for myself.
I found this wonderful art supply store with a Westie outside the door, I knew that this was just where I needed to be!!