"Water Rhythms" Pushing The Limits

As I dive into and swim through my next series…

Latest series "Water Rhythms"


I find that I am ready to PUSH my art beyond what I have done in the past…

To find a new way to express my self in my work, to be authentic in a progressive and abstract way.

Working with new  blends of formulated colors and layering using the woodblocks as my paintbrush and soy printmaking ink as my medium… on paper, wood  and canvas.

My palette is changing also with new formulas that excite me.

Running these images off the edges and into infinity…

Designing with more interesting shapes brings a big smile.  Its EXCITING! 

^ New carved woodblocks with older silkscreens overlays adds a level of depth. ^

There is more to come as I experiment and share my progress so check back.